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Why invest globally?

Whether it’s shopping at a local market or eating at a nearby restaurant, many of us are naturally inclined to make selections close to our geographic familiarity. This can also be the case when making investment choices. Although investing in your home market may seem like the safe option, you could be concentrating your investments too much, leaving them exposed to the impact of localised events, while at the same time missing out on the opportunities to be found in the global marketplace.

Accessing the global market

It might feel more comfortable to invest within your home market as it is familiar and therefore seems safer. But as we’ve seen, by only investing locally you miss out on all of the opportunities the global markets have to offer. It also makes your investments vulnerable to localised market events and means you experience more volatile returns throughout your investment journey.

An easy way to access the global markets is through a multi-manager fund. These funds are made up of multiple underling managers who are specialists in their fields, focussing on one geographic region or asset class. They are expertly mixed together to give you a fully diversified solution that has the freedom to access the best investment opportunities available across the globe.

Starter Guide to investing

When you’re new to investing, getting started can seem like an uphill struggle. That’s why we decided to create a starter pack to help demystify the process and provide an introduction to the basics.


More articles from our New To Investing mini-series

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