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Article | 18 May 2021 | ESG
By Anastasia Petraki, Head of Policy Research at Schroders
Climate change is real, it is being driven by record and still-rising greenhouse gas emissions and human activity is mostly responsible for it.
Every year, more and more people around the world feel its effects through recurring extreme weather events that harm life and property and dislocate populations.
The impact of global warming is becoming uncomfortably tangible.
Anastasia Petraki, Head of Policy Research at Schroders
The good news is that we are concerned enough for Greta Thunberg to be immediately recognisable around the world. The bad news is that we are not scared enough. Despite all the policy action in the last decades, greenhouse gas emissions are still increasing and the planet is still warming.
Perhaps the key lies in climate change literacy. Most of us have heard about global warming and its effects but how much do we really know about how human activity is harming the environment? For example, did you know that:
The report below puts together some facts about climate change that can help all of us better understand climate change and the role that human activities play. It also makes some suggestions about actions that we can take as individuals to manage our carbon footprint and explains what Schroders is doing as an investor and a company.
Reading this may get scary at times but please do not look away!
Read the report here:
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