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3 years ago

Personal ethics need to be reflected in investments

Ethics, by their nature, are personal to individuals and can be hard to address on scale. But our research shows that ethical consideration is an important factor for a large number of investors. With 67% of current and potential investors across Asia and Europe stating that their ethical views should be considered in their investments.

Although important across both Europe and Asia, the desire to have ethics reflected in their investments was slightly stronger in Asia at 72% compared to Europe with 62%.

Breaking this down a step further, in Asia we saw a particularly strong emphasis on this point from Thailand and Philippines with 81% and 83% respectively. Japan had the lowest desire for their ethics to be reflected with only 53% saying this was a requirement.

In Europe, the countries that placed the most emphasis on ethical views were Italy at 75% and Spain with 73%. Germany had the lowest percentage of individuals who felt their ethics should be reflected at 57%.


Did you know 67% of current and potential investors thought that their ethical views should be considered in their investments?

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